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Gem Stone
The science of use of astrology gems and stones for medicinal and astrological purposes is known as Gem Stone Therapy . In this mechanical world, the life is full of stress and strained and these often disturb us.
There are various options such as allopathic medicine, homeopathic medicine, ayurvedic, holisticpathy, yoga, naturopathy etc. to help us. The gemstone therapy is one of the ancient & natural science followed in India million years ago but lost in transition, does now gearing up with better understanding.
It is believed that the human aura consists of nine colours, namely: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, re, infra red and ultra violet. Astrological Gem Stone Therapy is prescribed on two bases – one long-tem and the other short-term. The gemstones used for the long-term (entire life) are known as Fortune Stones while those that are use for the shorter-term or temporary periods for providing relief during period of distress are known as Problem Area.
As per Indian Shastras, the word “Yantra” in its most general sense means an insturment by which anything is accomplished.
Yantra Therapy is used to for construction related remedies. There are cases where one is not able to modify the interiors for reasons that are unavoidable. Some have financial problem, some has space problem, and some has some other problem due to which modification in the layout of the home or office is not possible.